Skyline Trail, Olympic National Park, Jul 12, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005 page 39 / 52
We hustled down the hill and procured one of the better campsites near the lake. Then we walked down the remaining fifty feet to the lake for a dip. We were hot and the lake was cool. Boy, did that feel good! While we didn't get completely into the frigid water for a swim, we did soak our feet, and wash up a bit. Very refreshing!
Despite the beauty of the lake and the surrounding area, we found the mosquitoes to be downright ferocious! They were swarming and they were biting. Normally, I can fend off the bugs with a little "Off!" repellant. I had to resort to using Tom's super-strong "Deet" repellant this evening. And even then, the bugs were sure bothersome. We wandered near the lake that evening simply to stay "on the move," to keep the bugs from swarming too much.