Cameron Loop, Olympic National Park, Sep 11, 2006 - Sep 14, 2006 page 75 / 76
I began the climb around 12:30 PM. I set a slow, steady pace. It's times like these when my lightweight gear really pays off! There was a breeze flowing through the woods at points along the hike, but only along the ridge. It was cool, but pleasant for the climb. I imagined how difficult this climb might be during a warm afternoon. Part way up the hill the trail proceeds just east of the ridge, out of the breeze and far up from the valley floor. I stopped briefly and looked around...and listened. The forest was eerily silent. The only sounds I could hear were my breathing, my heartbeat, and an occasional distant bird chirping. The silence was golden. I stopped a couple of times, very briefly, for snacks and lemonade. Then I resumed climbing. A fog settled up high, enveloping the ridge top. I reached the trailhead at 3:15 PM. Roughly three hours to gain 3300 feet. I was rather surprised to have done so well. It was cold at the trailhead. I put on a clean shirt which I had left in the car. Then I quickly put on my jacket. I wandered into a nearby campsite to stretch a bit just as some ice pellets began to fall! My timing had been perfect!