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Cameron Loop,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 11, 2006 - Sep 14, 2006     page 4 / 76

I stayed left, and immediately crossed Cameron Creek. Another twenty yards down the trail, I was able to see the junction of Cameron and Grand Creeks. The scant half-mile walk to Gray Wolf camp was delightful. Sunshine filtered through the trees and sparkled off the water. The Cameron river joins forces with the Gray Wolf river near Gray Wolf camp. This camp also had several good campsites available. The trail gradually climbed from there. After a few photos, I continued on a very pleasant river walk. The trail meandered just east of the river, usually within sight of the water. There were beautiful views of moss covered rock and splashing water. Logs across the river made natural dams, over which water tumbled in remarkable waterfalls and cascades.

Upper Gray Wolf River