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Cameron Loop,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 11, 2006 - Sep 14, 2006     page 22 / 76

I left the pass around 2:00 PM, having spent a couple of hours in the area. I descended to the Dosewallips trail in another hour and began the hike west. A brief stop was made at Bear Camp. Having passed this area ten or fifteen years earlier, I remembered this camp area as being small, and having few redeeming qualities. I found the site to be quite the contrary. A few good campsite and a bear wire were found near an old shelter. I walked down to the river, found several rocks set in the water as stepping stones, and proceeded across and into the trees. I found several more good campsites and another bear wire on the other side of the river. Despite the good camp area, I continued my hike to Dose Meadows. This would put me close to Lost Pass, giving me plenty of time in the high country during the next day.

Bear Camp shelter