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Marmot Pass '06,  Buckhorn Wilderness Area,  Jul 10, 2006 - Jul 11, 2006     page 4 / 48

I re-entered the forest and continued the climb. At 4800 feet, Camp Mystery is reached. This camp is composed of four or five good campsites along a creek. The camp is not particularly interesting, though it does provide protection from the elements, and has water available. I rested briefly and ate a little. I also refilled one of my water bottles as I knew this was the last water available, other than that obtained by melting snow. One tent was seen in the camp, but no hikers were spotted. As soon as I left Camp Mystery, I walked into a small triangular meadow bordered by trees on two sides, and a headwall on the third. I imagined that deer might be seen here in the evening, foraging for food. The trail approached the north side of the headwall, then turned south, climbing a series of ledges.

Meadow near Camp Mystery from the headwall