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Bailey Range Traverse '14,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 14, 2014 - Aug 21, 2014     page 5 / 117

I took a lunch break at Bridge Creek. I used my ultraviolet pen to treat a quart of water. After drinking a good deal of that quart, I reloaded the bottle to prepare a second quart. It was at this point the pen quit working properly. I tried putting in a new set of batteries, but had no success. Unfortunately, I had not included any iodine tablets for water treatment. I would have to boil water with the limited fuel I was carrying. In the hills, where it appeared safe to collect water directly from snowmelt creeks, I would do so without treatment. I wasn't going to let a little issue like this upset my plans for a fun trip!

I reached Heart Lake around 1:00pm. Unable to get a reservation for this location, I was expected to stay another mile up the trail, at a campsite called Bruce's Roost. This site had no water available, so I loaded up a couple of bottles, and carried them to my campsite.

Heart Lake (Click Image)