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Eleven Bull Basin,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 10, 2012 - Sep 14, 2012     page 53 / 57

I returned to camp for just a few minutes, then headed west, back to the meadow, to see if the bear was still there. He was. As I stood there, a doe wandered through camp and into the meadow in which I was standing. She looked at me, realized I was not a threat and continued wandering and grazing. I took a few photos of her.

Then the doe came over a short rise, looked ahead and saw the bear, some 50 yards ahead. She froze in her tracks. Her ears each rotated toward the fury black animal. Then she turned her head toward me, as if to determine who was the bigger threat. She must have trusted me more than the bear, for she altered her course, remaining much closer to me!

It was fascinating to see this interaction between the forest animals!

The doe watches a bear