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Bailey Range Traverse,  Olympic National Park,  Jul 26, 2007 - Aug 1, 2007     page 10 / 97

I rose early the next morning, as I typically do, and grabbed my camera for some early morning photos of the lake. That time of day provides the best lighting for photographs and that morning was no exception. Dad crawled out of his sleeping bag and joined me near the lake. We wandered up the path and found ourselves at the High Divide trail junction in no time. (It is just a 300-foot climb from the lake.) We quickly found an area which provided us a stunning view of the north side of Mt. Olympus. The snow and glaciers brilliantly reflected the morning light. Our location gave us a good look at the Blue Glacier, which Dad and I visited back in 1990. Very impressive. We took several photos, then walked back down to camp. Libby was up now. While she ate breakfast, we did our best to rouse our sons, Tom and Kevin, from their deep slumber.

Heart Lake