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Anderson Pass,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 12, 2008 - Aug 15, 2008     page 10 / 43

We crossed several other trees across the trail, but none as difficult as those encountered in the meadow. The trail climbed higher toward Anderson Pass, through the shadowed forest. Anderson Pass shelter sits a couple hundred vertical feet below and east of the pass. It was pleasing to see that the structure was not only still standing but had recently received some maintenance. In recent years, with funds lacking, the park service has found it more economical (and safer) to remove many of the old shelters in the park. There are still a few standing, however. During typical storms, the weather blows fiercely up the Quinalt river valley and across Anderson Pass. The cold that results has given this area the nickname "Little Siberia." We were glad to use this shelter and escape the weather briefly during our trip in the mid-1970s.

Libby, Tom and Kevin at the Anderson Pass shelter