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Eleven Bull Basin,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 10, 2012 - Sep 14, 2012     page 2 / 57

I arrived at the parking lot, used the restroom, and donned all my rain gear. I didn't really like beginning the trip in wet conditions, but the forecast was good, and the first few miles would be in the woods anyhow. Just how wet could it get?

I ate a sandwich in the car, then began hiking around 12:30pm. This was intended to be my return to the Bailey Range, some five years after completing the north to south traverse with my oldest son, Tom.

My plan was to spend the evening at Heart Lake. My mapping software indicated I'd need to hike 7.5 miles and gain about 3500 feet on this first day. A reasonable distance, and a hefty elevation gain with my 45 pound load.

I set a decent pace, one I could maintain for some time. I reached the junction at Sol Duc falls in no time. I chose not to stop; I'd seen these falls before. Besides, I could take a look at them during my return.

At times, I could see blue sky overhead. The weather was slowly improving. Sunshine beamed through the forest canopy and sparkled on the wet flora. The cool, damp forest was refreshing.

I made good time, stopping briefly for snacks and water along the way. As I gained elevation, the forest thinned and the air was noticeably cooler. My fleece pullover was soaked with sweat. I didn't dare stop too long or I'd become chilled to the bone!

Hiking above Solduc Park