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Tumac Mtn / Twin Sisters Lks,  William O Douglas Wilderness,  Aug 22, 1999 - Aug 23, 1999     page 10 / 20

The next morning we awoke to another sunny, clear-sky day. An occasional elk could be heard bugling in the distance. We had some breakfast, as did the mosquitoes, and we prepared a light pack for our hike up Tumac mountain. The food we didn't need for our day hike we left hanging on a bear line. For those of you unfamiliar with a bear line, it is merely a rope or wire strung up between two trees. The food bags are suspended from the center of the lineprotecting it from theft by bear and other critters. As long as the line is high enough, this method of food storage is quite effective.

The bear line protects our food from theft from animals