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Lake of the Angels / Mt Stone '06,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 1, 2006 - Aug 2, 2006     page 1 / 60

Tom and I returned to Lake of the Angels for one more back country trip before he heads out for college. I've been to the lake about six times, and he's been there twice, but he had never been to the summit of Mt. Stone before. Having climbed the peak several times, I was anxious to show him how fun it could be.

We took our time getting out of town. After driving through several construction zones, we finally arrived at the trailhead around noon. Tom took the lead up the trail. He set a healthy pace, but not one I could not keep up with. The sky was overcast, which kept the temperature comfortable. For the steep trek up the hill, that was a bonus. We made it up through the forest and over the headwall in no time, reaching the lake around 3:00 PM.

Meadow near trail, just before reaching Lake of the Angels