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Spectacle Lake,  Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area,  Jul 26, 2004 - Jul 29, 2004     page 2 / 17

I quickly replenished my water supply and continued along the Crest Trail. In another 20 minutes I had crossed Lemah Creek, the other major feeder to Pete Lake. From here the trail really began to climb. It was only 6:00PM and I knew I had daylight until 8:30 or 9:00 PM. So far, so good.

The air began to cool as the sun disappeared beyond the western ridge. The walk was much more refreshing than it had been a few hours earlier. By 7:30 I had reached a major waterfall. This was the river which empties Spectacle Lake. What a sight this was. The view was breathtaking. I snapped a couple of shots and made a mental note to stop on the way back in a few days for more photos.

The water was inviting in the evening light