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Mowich Lake '03,  Mt Rainier National Park,  Feb 8, 2003 - Feb 9, 2003     page 3 / 15

A couple of miles up the road a trail begins, shortening the distance to the lake. The trail leaves the road, crosses it, then rejoins it, running straight up the hill, more or less. The initial trail mileage marker states 0.9 miles to Mowich Lake. Don't let this information mislead you! It's closer to 1.5 miles to the point you can initially see the lake, and another half mile to the end of the road, where the campground exists! My map indicated the trail's grade to be rather gentle. This did not seem to hold true. The mile or so of trail travel was tough in the snow, especially with a full pack.

Where the trail crosses the road, cross-country ski tracks were found