Elwha Basin / Martins Lakes '13, Olympic National Park, Sep 17, 2013 - Sep 22, 2013 page 112 / 113
It rained lightly most of the night and the next morning. I packed everything, and donned all my rain gear for a rapid hike out of the park. I hiked nine miles in a little less than 3.5 hours, at which time the rain had progressed to a moderate downfall.
I was changing into dry clothes, under cover, but on a concrete pad adjacent the trailhead bathroom. I had hardly any clothes on when I heard a car drive up. What were the odds?! I threw on the dry clothes, grabbed my pile of wet clothes and ran over to the car.
I greeted four fellows. "Great day for a hike, Boys!"
Apparently, they were on their way in for a day hike, camping at one of the nearby campgrounds. And I thought I was hardcore!