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Oahu '11,  Vacation,  Apr 24, 2011 - May 1, 2011     page 3 / 75

After unloading bags, we headed to the beach. The sun was warm, but the breeze was refreshing. The sand was coarse on my tender feet. The surf pounded at the sand. We could not have been on the beach an hour when a local walked by and spotted us pale northwesterners. She warned us to be careful, that the surf was strong and the undertow unpredictable. This was the famous north shore of Oahu, where world class surfing takes place each winter. It turned out that we were on the cusp of the calmer summer season. The surf was still a bit strong for swimming and snorkeling here. We had no trouble making the best of it, though, as you'll see in the following photos.

Playing in the surf