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Cispus Pass,  Goat Rocks Wilderness Area,  Sep 9, 2007 - Sep 10, 2007     page 9 / 16

The temperature dropped a bit, and the breeze grew into a stiff wind, so I crawled into my sleeping bag early that evening. I watched the sky darken and the stars appear one-by-one. There were even a few shooting stars observed. It was quite relaxing, despite the persistent wind.

I expected the wind to decrease through the night, but it did not. In fact, at one point I was getting so much grit blown onto my face, that I moved my sleeping bag several feet, to a more protected location!

After a restless night, I watched the sun slowly light up the sky. There were still no signs of incoming poor weather. My hand had swollen a bit from the bee sting. It was a bit sore and stiff, but not too bad. I ate some breakfast, then packed for a day hike. I took along a map, some food, a couple of quarts of water, and a few other minor essentials. I would hike to Cispus Pass, along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), and survey the area for the climb up Gilbert Peak.

Morning at Sheep Lake