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Mt Carrie, Cat Peak, Cat Lake,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 21, 2009 - Sep 25, 2009     page 68 / 80

I crossed a couple of ridges and proceeded into the next basin. I remembered a small snowfield here when I visited with Dad in 2008. That snow was all gone, but the area was so pleasant that I had to stop and enjoy it for a few minutes.

It was very quiet. A small breeze through the trees was occasionally heard. Then I heard an odd sound. I looked across the basin and a flock of birds, perhaps three or four dozen arose from below the bench. They swooped across the sky. I could hear their wings flapping. They lit in a small stand of trees briefly, then they were back to the sky. They disappeared across the ridge, then a smaller group returned, finally resting in another group of trees. It was quite spectacular to watch!

Mt Fairchild and Mt Carrie (It appeared from this view that an attempt at the summit of Carrie may have been more difficult than I originally thought.)