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Cameron Loop,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 11, 2006 - Sep 14, 2006     page 16 / 76

I visited briefly with a young couple from eastern Washington. They had come up from the Dose, having started their trip at Obstruction Peak, then coming over Grand, Cameron and Lost passes. Quite impressive. They had spoken with two hikers on their way to Dose Meadows. Apparently, this was the the hiker with the blue pack I saw an hour earlier. After several minutes surveying the countryside, I climbed up the east ridge to a point at 6400 feet. From there I had excellent views east to Mt. Deception and the Mysteries. I had a particularly good view of the drainage below Gunsight pass, between Mt. Mystery and LIttle Mystery. It was this drainage that Dad, Roger and I bushwhacked down in the late 1970s, making our way back to the Dosewallips. The trip was rather memorable, despite being a much tougher descent than we had expected. From my vantage point, it was apparent that a similar descent today would be just as tough!

Gunsight Pass lies between Mt. Mystery and Little Mystery