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Marmot Pass '06,  Buckhorn Wilderness Area,  Jul 10, 2006 - Jul 11, 2006     page 2 / 48

I made good time the first mile and a half. Then the trail grade increased a bit, moving up the hill and away from the river. The pace decreased a bit at this point. Puget Sound had forecast morning clouds giving way to sunshine. The overcast persisted throughout the hike to the pass, though the temperature was cool enough to make for a comfortable climb. I imagine this hike could be quite uncomfortable on a warm, sunny day. Around 4700 feet, the thinning forest gave way to a meadow. Views across the valley to the south were available. The ridge was still covered in clouds, but enough of the higher, rugged terrain could be seen to pique my interest. The meadow I walked through extended to the north, up toward the summit of Buckhorn Mtn. Obviously, this was an avalanche chute during the winter and spring. The meadow was dotted with thousands of flowers, a treat for the eyes.

Crimson Columbine