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Blake Island,  Kayaking,  Aug 9, 2000 - Aug 10, 2000     page 1 / 6

After Libby and Tom returned from the week long scout trip, Libby was really anxious to get back out on the water. She was offered a chance a few weeks later while Tom was at scout camp and Chris was hiking with his grampa. She convinced me into going as well. Chris and Tom Miner, parents of one of the other scouts in the troop provided the kayaks for us to use, and they used their double to get from the Southworth ferry dock out to Blake Island for the night. Another family came too, but arrived by motorboat, taking Kevin with them.

Blake Island lies in Puget Sound just west of Seattle. It is uninhabited, and largely undeveloped. A state park lies on the eastern point of the island along with Tillicum village. The village provides a salmon bake and boat tour from Seattle's downtown waterfront for those who would rather not paddle themselves to and from the island. There is also a modest dock for those who own their own boats. We did not partake of any of the salmon or entertainment programs.

We launched about 2:30 in the afternoon. It took under an hour to get to the state park, a paddling distance of maybe a mile and a half or two miles. The weather was fine and the water calm.

Chris and Tom Miner relax with Libby on Blake Island.