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Bailey Range Traverse,  Olympic National Park,  Jul 26, 2007 - Aug 1, 2007     page 13 / 97

By mid-morning, we had the boys up and fed, and our gear packed. Before leaving Heart Lake, Kevin spotted a herd of elk in the upper end of Soleduck Park. There were perhaps 30 of the magnificent animals, moving away from the open slopes to a more protected area. Kevin was thrilled to have spotted the animals. We took turns watching them through a small pair of binoculars I had brought. Then we left the camp. We soon returned to the High Divide trail, pointing out familiar landmarks to Kevin and Libby, who had never been to the area before. We took a group photo then proceeded eastward, along the alpine ridge.

Ron, Dad, Libby, Tom and Kevin on the High Divide trail near Heart Lake (Click Image)