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Anderson Pass,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 12, 2008 - Aug 15, 2008     page 14 / 43

We reached Anderson Pass in another fifteen minutes. A small tarn and some meadows filled the pass. We intended to hike to Anderson Pass, then follow the Anderson glacier trail up the hill for a mile or so, then proceed, off-trail to a couple of lakes on the east side of the summit. These lakes would provide a good camping location, as well as a good place to begin our climb the following day. During the day, though, Tom admitted that he was having some hip pain. We made an early decision to skip the climb. I was getting tired, too, due to the heavy load I had taken. I would have been happy camping either in the pass, or nearby. I was encouraged to continue up the hill, though, where I knew the view would improve dramatically.

Anderson Pass