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All images İRon Hayward

Tumac Mtn / Twin Sisters Lks,  William O Douglas Wilderness,  Aug 22, 1999 - Aug 23, 1999     page 20 / 20

After cooling off, we quickly dried and replaced our boots, before we could be bitten too much by our flying friends. We hiked back to the larger lake, at which point Tom and Chris promptly crawled into the tents to escape the hungry bugs. I, too, was beginning to tire from the constant attack and suggested that we "bug out" early to avoid a few more hours of swatting and scratching. We all agreed that the early departure was acceptable. We packed and hit the trail about 6:00PM, arriving back at the car in less than an hour.

Overall, the trip was pretty nice. The weather was great, the trail and views good, and hiking was not strenuous. The bugs did make it difficult to relax at times, though. We have decided this is definitely a place to return to in the future.

Finally, I couldn't bear to leave out this photo of Mt Rainier behind Tipsoo Lake. We found this view Sunday morning as we drove through Chinook pass. I know, I know--this lake is photographed much too often. But here it is anyway...for your viewing pleasure.

Mt. Rainier and Lake Tipsoo