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LaCrosse Basin,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 12, 2002 - Aug 16, 2002     page 3 / 19

Two Bear Camp is buried in the woods at 3500 feet elevation, on the Skokomish river. It has little to offer, other than water access, a flat spot to lay the sleeping bag, and a bear wire to hang the food. This year there were several bugs to greet us. Mosquitoes and flies were prolific, at least until sundown. This was the beginning of several "buggy" days of hiking. We ate dinner with the bugs, set up our bags on a ground cover and then retired about 9PM. Though in the trees, there was ample view of the sky to watch the stars appear as well as sight several meteors.

The next morning we ate a breakfast of oatmeal then headed up the trail toward First Divide, a pass at 4700 feet marking the end of the Skokomish Valley leading into the Duckabush river valley.

Mt Skokomish becomes visible behind us as we climb the Skokomish river trail toward First Divide