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Cameron Loop,  Olympic National Park,  Sep 11, 2006 - Sep 14, 2006     page 38 / 76

The wind blew steadily while on Lost Peak. It was chilly, too. I paid close attention to the clouds, especially to the west. Often impending weather can be seen headed in. While the clouds appeared a bit dark, there was no rain to the west. After thirty minutes on the summit of Lost Peak, I began my descent. I followed the south ridge down to the 6200 foot level, then turned nearly due west, descending across a boulder field, then through a meadow. A bear foraged 150 feet below. I rejoined the trail just a bit further to the west. I hiked north crossing a couple good streams. After passing two good campsites the trail emerged from the trees and into a large meadow. Marmots whistled to announce my arrival. I sat down at the north side of the meadow for some lunch, watching beyond the trees for the bear. I never saw him again.

Lost Peak from Lost basin