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Marmot Pass '06,  Buckhorn Wilderness Area,  Jul 10, 2006 - Jul 11, 2006     page 6 / 48

I layed out my bivouac bag and sleeping pad, and relaxed for a while. I soaked up the view, and enjoyed the solitude. After gaining 3500 feet, I was getting pretty hungry. I made my dinner early, around 4:00PM. The wisps of fog through the pass diminished. Only the higher overcast remained, so I wandered up the ridge, to a point just south of the pass. Peaks to the west were clearly visible, with plenty of snow. I remained up there for an hour and a half, staring at the hills, and taking plenty of pictures. I seemed to have the place all to myself. I was not there long before noticing a woman sitting of the rocks. We briefly exchanged greetings and I discovered she was camped at Camp Mystery. I met her hiking partner the following morning.

Mts. Mystery, Fricaba and Deception