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Anderson Pass,  Olympic National Park,  Aug 12, 2008 - Aug 15, 2008     page 6 / 43

We still had another four miles of hiking before reaching our proposed campsite at Big Timber Camp. So, after a snack and some water we continued, this time along the trail I was familiar with. We reached Dose Forks quickly, crossed the main fork and continued. Another 20 minutes later and we crossed the new and improved high bridge, pausing briefly to look down at the river some 150 feet below. We strolled into Big Timber camp around 5:00PM. There were two other parties already present. We found a good spot for our gear and began unloading. Kevin and Libby set up a tarp to sleep under. Tom ended up sleeping there as well, though he and I were both equipped with bivouac bags to sleep in. We ate dinner and had fun sitting around the campfire. The sky was cloudy, as the forecast suggested it would be. This might hamper our efforts at watching the annual Perseid meteor shower. Of course, the tall fir around us didn't help much in this regard either. The next morning we awoke to clear skies, ready to head to the high country.

Libby fixes a cup of coffee near her tarp at Big Timber Camp